Makeup- no buy spring | Vegonista unplugged

I have a problem a makeup problem. I realised that I have WAY too much makeup. I mean it’s my hobby, my interest- my de stressor (is that a word who knows).  It has come to a point that I just look at my collection and realise that…. I may never get to using any of these up? Is that normal?
In this time of consumption my collection might not seem so big. But it’s a lot for a happy amateur. Makeup truly gives me joy, makes me forget time and troubles. But the mind-set of buying new stuff just because the novity. How many neutral palettes dose one really need? In makeup the term from fast fashion has creeped in. Such as in fashion there is a mentality of “fast makeup”. Meaning new launches every week, so much so keep up with. I know deep down that I don’t need every new palette that is 
So I unfollowed every influencer I felt that was “pushing” new products. And started following people that used up their palettes. I suddenly felt exited by the “project pan” concept. And I felt inspired to use up the palettes I already own. So I realised I’m going to do a no buy on makeup for this spring. Use up the products I have. The things I’m “allowed” to buy are basics such as concealer, brow products and mascara. I’ve found that shopping my stash is so much fun. Every month I rotate my palettes, and I stick to the ones I’ve picked. And that has definitely challenged me. When I feel like I’ve done the combinationsI can come up with I look for inspiration. This has led me to be exited to wake up every morning- Like,OMG YES I can try this look out now! It’s a part of the “happy thoughts” I think of before I go to sleep.
  In light of my new found excitement for new looks and makeup I’ve started sharing my looks. As I stated in one of my past post, my goal for 2020 is to be more active on IG. So I’ve documented my looks and shared them with you guys on IG. And it’s been super fun! I will definitely continue sharing the looks. 
