November makeup

Oh how enjoy painting my face. It's a relaxing and fun morningritual. Gives me a chance to center myself in the morning and starting my day with a creativity. I like to take pictures of my makeup- it's nice to have it documented and I can go back to looks I liked. So I thought why not share a selection of my makeup from this month! All the pics are taken with my phone in portait mode- no filter just the raw pic. 

An rare  sight of me wearing makeup on my ENTIRE FACE. Since face  is my new normal, I usually don't wear blush or makeup products. I usually just wear concealer and eyeshadow in my day to day look. But this day I was filmed for a singing video at school. So naturally I had to go all out with the red lipstick and blush! wearing Tati beauty textured neutrals on the eyes, E.l.f blush palette on the cheeks.

A berry version of the winged eyeliner look. Wearing some shades from the Tati beauty palette, textured neutrals.

Sparkle sparkle- but I have to be honest I do NOT remember which palette I used for this look??
This one was sooooo pretty. I used the Jeffree Star Jawbreaker mini palette and just used the golden shade and a winged eyeliner. So simple so pretty.
I went for the same feel here, used the purple duo chrome form the Jeffree Star Jawbreaker mini.
I don't always go for colours. Here's a very neutral and basic look. Created this with the Tati Beauty palette. It was subtle but oh so pretty.
