New beginnings | Vegonista unplugged

 Hi vegobabes happy 2020! Hope you had a good beginning of the new year. I've been at work and enjoying walks. I don't usually make new year’s resolutions, simply for the reason I have a habit of breaking them. I think the thought of "re-inventing" itself is a near impossible task and also kind of toxic.
However, I like to set goals- I feel they are easier to work towards. I thought of the things I need to work on. I'd like to walk more- granted I walk daily to work but taking longer walks. As I do work a "desk" job and don't go outside that much I think fresh air would do wonders for my energy (i hope). I would also like to share more of my music, but I don't know yet how. Should I start a separate blog for that or an Instagram? I know that my friends and I will continue with season 2 of Save as draft podcast. And with that will come more music.
  What I know for sure that I want to do- is to be more active on vegonista Instagram and post more content on the blog. My biggest issue right now is that I demand that every post and everything should be "perfect", I don't dare to just post something just because I feel like it. It's hard to be so vulnerable on social media without all the filters. So working on that! I've also thought of making a low buy year in makeup and doing project pan.... Hmmm so many Ideas! 
Oh well I have for starters kept by my goal to walk more. Here's some pics of a beautiful sunny day.
Here's to 2020- let it be the year of growth and happiness!
