Summer layers

Summer is finally here in Helsinki. I've enjoyed wearing dresses again. I've spotted a new trend. Knitted vests, preferably layered over dresses, white shirts or just on its own. First I felt this is not my thing... Every picture I looked at on Pinterest trying to convince me that "it would totally work for me"- I just found it had MAYOR Chandler Bing energy (lol). But I actually own a knitted top (not quite a vest but close enough). So I was playing around with different style combos. And I had on me my beautiful summer dress- I felt the top calling me "just try it". First I thought- nope doesn’t work. But after doing a couple twirls in front of the mirror- it just clicked. The top gives my basic summer dress some flare.

Since my "makeup through the decades" post, I've really fallen in love with 60's hairstyles. I did a 60's inspired French twist.
