My way of vegan

Going vegan isn't always an overnight change for everyone. Not for me at least, it's a journey a way of finding yourself and your ethics. I've gotten the question why do I wear leather and still use products that's not cruelty free.  But first a little back story.
As I said- going vegan wasn't an overnight transition for me. In 2015 I became interested in plant based food’s. I’ve been vegetarian my whole life but before going vegan I ate dairy products and eggs. But in 2015 I somehow got inspired for health reasons to quit eggs and dairy. And so I did- and soon after that I made the 
decision to not purchase product’s tested on animals.
However, I did not throw away beauty products that was tested on animals- I used them up. And I still own clothing that are made out of animals. But why? I feel like it would be wasteful to throw them out than to use them until used. And if I bought it and it fits me I will use it. The same goes with cosmetics, I still own and use makeup that I got before going cruelty free.
So If you see me in leather or suede- I’m probably just getting the use of items I’ve bought.
The bottom line is I’m not making any animal material purchases. But there’s one exception second hand or thrifted items.  I comfortable purchasing leather if it’s second hand or thrifted. I feel I’m not contributing to the leather industry when it’s second hand. Also I think that the animal that has made the sacrifice deserves to be cherished. I feel that it is worse to throw the item and neglect it. Also I think It’s important to recycle and not be wasteful. This may be controversial but it’s what I’m comfortable with.
There’s no one way of being vegan and no ethic is “better” than the other. I think everyone should build their own ethics and beliefs. It’s a shame to see I the online vegan community judgment and comparing’s of who’s the better vegan. It has also been discussed that it’s nearly impossible to be 100% vegan due to our surroundings- furniture in our home and so on. Rhian on Wifelife at YouTube made a video about this you can find it here! She makes such good points on the topic and I agree with the points she makes.
Just know you as a vegan can make your own vegan ways- there’s no one right way. Don’t feel guilty or sad at things you can’t control.
I think I could go on forever on this topic- but these are my ways of being vegan. Mabye I'll do a deep dive in cosmetics and makeup another time- let me knwo if you'd like to read about my ethics in makeup!

Shoes- converse
Jeans jc
Top jc
Bag Mango
Necklace Monki
Sunnies Mango
